Top 10 Private and Secure Email Services for 2024

In an era where safeguarding your online communications is paramount, selecting a secure email service that values your privacy is crucial. Many popular email providers like Gmail and Yahoo have faced privacy concerns, such as intrusive ads and scanning for surveillance purposes. As a result, the need for reliable, private email services with robust encryption... Continue Reading →

Project Gutenberg has unveiled a collection of 5,000 audiobooks, all made accessible through cutting-edge neural text-to-speech technology

In recent years, audiobooks have surged in popularity due to their accessibility, yet the process of creating them remains a challenging and costly endeavor. Researchers have recently introduced an automated solution using synthetic text-to-speech technology, addressing various hurdles in the field and potentially empowering everyday users to produce audiobooks. Project Gutenberg now offers an extensive... Continue Reading →

The highly-anticipated Aurora supercomputer, classified as exascale-class, is now fully operational and prepared to embark on its scientific, simulation, and AI endeavors.

Intel's Aurora supercomputer has finally reached completion, albeit a bit behind schedule. This new addition to the high-performance computing (HPC) market has the potential to perform an incredible number of calculations per second, offering the scientific community unparalleled simulation capabilities. Originally slated for completion in 2021, the Aurora supercomputer now stands tall at the Argonne... Continue Reading →

AI has helped design over 100 chips

Artificial intelligence-powered chat and knowledge platforms like ChatGPT, Google Bard and Microsoft's new Bing with AI assistance are getting the lion's share of attention as of late but this is not the only field in which artificial intelligence is making great strides. Electronic design automation firm Synopsys recently revealed that clients working with its Synopsys (Design... Continue Reading →

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