Tiny ant-sized radio developed by Stanford engineers

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5bnmRpJmXA   A tiny, ant-sized radio has been developed by engineers at Stanford University, which is small enough and cheap enough that it could be used for a wide variety of applications, specifically "Internet of Things". The radio itself, seen above next to a coin, is made from a piece of silicon just a few millimeters in... Continue Reading →

Researchers create ‘Holy Grail’ of battery technology, smartphones with 3x battery life in sight

Battery technology isn't all that different from computer storage technology in terms of its progression. Computer hardware (the processor, RAM, video card, etc.) has scaled incrementally over the years until we got to a point not all that long ago where mechanical hard drives became a serious bottleneck. Solid state drives solved that issue and... Continue Reading →

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